The Psalmistry

Original Music for the 150 Psalms

CONTEND, O GOD (PSALM 35) (CCLI 4432267)

1. Contend, O God, with those who oppose me.
Arise and vanquish my foe!
Let loose Your spears against my pursuers,
Salvation of my soul!

O Lord, may those who seek to destroy me—
Lord, turn them back in dismay.
Like chaff may they be scattered before You,
and by You driven away.

2. Then will my soul rejoice in You, Lord God,
Then will my being proclaim:
"Who could be like You, Lord and my Savior!"
My tongue shall praise Your name!

Arise, O God, and be my defender:
be with me in this place.
May those who gloat and seek my destruction
be clothed with shame and disgrace.




© 1995-2005 Stephen J. Pearson